CSS Transform

September 23, 2014



  • perspective-origin默认在50%,50%
  • transform不影响文档流
  • 多次transform函数作用时,后一次变换的坐标系为上一次变换完毕后的坐标系

Perspective 视点

To activate 3D space, an element needs perspective. This can be applied in two ways: using the transform property, with the perspective as a functional notation. 首先为了激活3D空间,需要给元素加上视点(perspective),有两种形式:用transform属性,然后把perspective当做一个函数

transform: perspective( 600px );


perspective: 600px;

Perspective property at work


Perspective differences when used with child elements

perspective的值决定3D效果的强度。你可以把它想象成与目标物体的距离,它的值越大,你离目标越远,反之亦然。perspective: 2000px;会产生一个微弱的3D效果,就想我们在很远的地方拿望远镜来看的,perspective: 100px;产生一个强烈的3D效果,就想近距离观察一个很大的物体。


perspective-origin: 25% 75%;

Intense perspective value, with vanishing point modified



  • rotateX( angle )
  • rotateY( angle )
  • rotateZ( angle )
  • translateZ( tz )
  • scaleZ( sz )


rotate函数可以使元素在相应的轴上旋转。这个和直觉有点不一样.用rotateX( 45deg )会使顶边向后移,底边向前移。

CSS 3D transform functions


  • translate3d( tx, ty, tz )
  • scale3d( sx, sy, sz )
  • rotate3d( rx, ry, rz, angle )

These foo3d() transform functions also have the benefit of triggering hardware acceleration in Safari. Dean Jackson, CSS 3D transform spec author and main WebKit dude, writes



Matrix 简要解释

假设每一个列是一个点向量,前三行的最后一个数决定平移的量,最后一行的前三个元素不是用来做变换位置的,他们是用来做视点的投影用的。If (as your question suggests) the convention is that points are column vectors, and the last elements of the first 3 rows determine the translation, then the first 3 elements of the bottom row are not a positional offset: the 4th row of a transformation matrix is used for perspective projection, which is how the camera maps 3D points onto the 2D viewport. A sketch of how the 4x4 matrix is used to map points:

result   =       4x4 matrix      *  point

[ x' ]       [ Rxx Rxy Rxz Tx ]     [ x ]
                                                    R** is the rotation/scaling matrix
[ y' ]       [ Ryx Ryy Ryz Ty ]     [ y ]
         =                       *             ->   T* is the translation vector
[ z' ]       [ Rzx Rzy Rzz Tz ]     [ z ]
                                                    P* fixes the camera projection plane
[ w' ]       [ Px  Py  Pz  Pw ]     [ w ]

-> x' = dot_product3([Rxx,Rxy,Rxz], [x,y,z])  + Tx * w
-> y' = dot_product3([Ryx,Ryy,Ryz], [x,y,z])  + Ty * w
-> z' = dot_product3([Rzx,Rzy,Rzz], [x,y,z])  + Tz * w
-> w' = dot_product4([Px,Py,Pz,Pw], [x,y,z,w])

Demo time

Card Flip


This is a panel
This is a panel
This is a panel